Wednesday, December 16, 2009

17 of love



1. Going home for play time and Christmas treat baking.

2. Making weird noises on the couch while studying.

          2a. Trying to make Claire laugh

3. Snuggling and playing would you rather.

           3a. I would rather have a jingling anklet than balloons tied to my wrists, fly than breathe underwater, and (the hardest one of all) LISTEN to music than create it (if I had to choose).

4. Michael Jackson.

5. Christmas tree in our very own apartment

          5a. WITH PRESENTS!

6. Making grilled cheese for the boy I love.

7. Finishing up my music education class and having my professor tell me that I am wonderful.

8. Christmas cards

9. New socks

10. Time to read, FINALLY!

11. Several pink starbursts, thrown.

12. Taking pictures of my BROTHER GBEECH.

13. Smiling a big fat cheesy smile at myself after I brush my teeth—this is a habit.

14. Visiting teaching.


16. New Years with the hottest man alive.

17. Almost falling every time I walk due to shoes with no traction and the uncontrollable urge to travel by means of DANCING.


kendra and jeffrey said...

What beautiful things to love.

Travel by mans of dancing! I love that.

Claire said...

Your loves bring me smiles.
I had to try out the "cheesy grin" when I read that part. Then I laughed out loud.

Claire said...

And, in regards to 2a.,
you made me laugh just reading that you wanted to make me laugh.

Can you tell I'm missing you today? I'm ready for your presence in our apartment I'm trying so desperately to keep warm. Come sit on that brown-suede couch with me and snuggle. Yes?

brooke said...

you get to come to my brown couch and snuggle, bear!!